Lista lucrărilor publicate
șef.Lucr.Dr. Ștefănuț Cristina (Cernea)
- Morar R., Cernea M., Ghiţulescu C., Cernea C., Morar E., Oprea M. Cercetări privind acţiunea hipoglicemiantă a Eridiarom-ului. Bul. USA CN-ZMV (1993) 47; pp.151-157
- Cozma V., Cernea M., Cernea C., Negrea O., Gherman C., Şandru D., MirceanV., Rudnyanschi B. Cercetări privind utilizarea produsului “FLUBENOL” (Janssen) în programe strategice de dehelmintizare în fermele de suine. Vol. Al VII-lea Congres Naţional de Medicină Veterinară - Voineasa 1997, pp.211
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Cernea M., Jula I., Negrea O., Gherman C., Mircean V., Şandru D., Antal L.Cercetări privind eficacitatea produsului FLUBENOL (Janssen) în nematodoze la suine. Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară, 1998, vol. 8, no.4; pp.67-74.
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Cernea M., Jula I., Negrea O., Gherman C., Mircean V., Şandru D., Antal L. The efficacy of FLUBENDAZOL (Janssen) in swine nematodoses Revista Română de Parazitologie, 1998, vol.VIII, 2; pp.26-27.
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Magdaş C., Cernea M., Cioflanc A. Cercetări privind eficacitatea produsului Mondolar 10% (monensin) granulat (KRKA, Slovenia) în eimerioza experimentală a puilor de găină. Revista Scientia Parasitologica, 2003, Vol. 4, 1-2; pp.25-35, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Magdaş C., Cernea M., Cioflanc A. Cercetări privind eficacitatea produsului Mondolar 10% (monensin) granulat (KRKA, Slovenia) în eimerioza experimentală a puilor de găină Rezumat în Revista Româna de Medicină Veterinară, Congresul de Medicină Veterinară, Iaşi, 2003
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Cernea M., Titilincu A. Psoroptic mange in bubalinae – anatomico-clinical and epidemiological aspects . Buletinul Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj, Vol 60/2003; pp.191-196, ISSN:1454-2382
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C., Gall A. The strongilidosis in horses from Mureş district – epidemiology and diagnosis. Buletinul Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj, Vol 60/2003; pp.196-201, ISSN:1454-2382
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C, Sas C., Mărculescu A. Studiul structurii şi dinamicii populaţiilor de strongili, la cabaline din zona de nord vest a Romaniei. Lucrări ştiinţifice medicină veterinară, 37; USAMVBT, Timişoara 2004; pp.352-356.
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C., Sas C., Mărculescu A. Testarea “in vivo” a rezistenţei cyathostomelor la albendazol. Lucrări ştiinţifice medicină veterinară, 37; USAMVBT, Timişoara 2004; pp.357-360.
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Cernea M., Szasz A. Studiul endo şi ectoparazitozelor la bubaline crescute in sistem extensiv în judeţul Cluj. Lucrări ştiinţifice medicină veterinară, 37; USAMVBT, Timişoara 2004; pp.347-351.
- Cernea C., Cozma V., Kadar L., Cernea M., Costea R. Evaluation of cellular effectors in mange in white rat (Rattus rattus) via intradermoreaction. Revista Scientia Parasitologica, 2004, 5; 1-2; pp.28-32, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea M., Cozma V., L.M.M. de Carvalho, Cernea C., Sas C. Evaluation of egg hatch assay for detection and risk analyses of antihelmintic resistance in strongylid nematodes of horses. Revista Scientia Parasitologica, 2004, 5; 1-2; pp.33-38, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea M., Cernea C., Cozma V., Madeira de Carvalho Elaborarea unui protocol complex de diagnostic în strongilidoze la cabaline. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. USAMV Iaşi. Vol 48, no 9/2007, Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 9-10 June 2005, pp.483-489, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C., Mǎrculescu A. Researches about Egg Hatch Assay for the detection of antihelmintic bezimidazoles resistance, in horse strongyles. 5th International conference of PhD students, University of Miskolc, Hungary 14-20 August 2005.
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C. In vivo testing of horses strongyles resistance at albendazole and mebendazole. Scientia Parasitologica, 2005; 6; 1-2; pp.89-95, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea C, şuteu I., Cozma V., Cernea M., Pall E. The conception of an experimental model for in vitro testing of acaricidal synthesis substance. Scientia Parasitologica, 2005; 6; 1-2; pp.126-131.
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C. Detection of antihelmintic benzimidazole resistance in horses strongyles from North-West of Romania. Prospects of the Agriculture of the 3rd Millennium science, October 6-7, Buletinul USAMV, vol. 62/2005, pp.56-62, ISSN:1454-2382
- Cernea M., Cozma V., Cernea C, Bindea V., Oros A., Mărculescu A. Lipovan R., Onac D. The epidemiological study of strongylidosis from Beclean stud. Scientifical Papers - Veterinary Medicine, Vol. XXXIX, USAMV a Banatului, Timişoara, 2006, Ed. Imprimeria Mirton, pp41-46, Issn:1221-5295.
- Cernea M., Cornel C., Cernea C., Titilincu A., Mureşan A., Cozma V. Aspecte morfopatologice şi histologice în strongilidoză la cabaline. Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2006, vol . 7, nr. 1-2, pp.41-48, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea M., Madeira de Carvalho L.M., Cozma V, Cernea C. Efectul in vitro al derivaţilor benzimidazolici asupra morfologiei ouălor şi larvelor infestante de strongili. Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2006, vol .7, nr. 1-2, pp.49-54, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea C., şuteu E., Cernea M., Pall E. Analiza in vitro a comportamentului acarienilor din genurile Sarcoptes, Chorioptes şi Psoroptes. Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2006, vol . 7, nr. 1-2, pp.29-34, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea C.L., Cozma V., şuteu E., Cernea M. Realizarea unui model experimental de testare in vitro a efectului acaricid al extractelor vegetale. Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2006, vol.7, nr. 1-2, pp.35-40, ISSN 1582-1366
- Cernea M., Cernea C, Nueleanu V. I. Mărculescu A, Diana O, Cozma V. Effectiveness of benzimidazols in treating strongiloidis in donkeys. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 63/2006, Symposium “ Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.49-53, ISSN:1454-2382
- Ognean L., Cernea C, Cernea M. Evaluation of primary and secondary hemostasis tests in healthy dogs. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 63/2006, Symposium “ Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.39-44, ISSN:1454-2382
- Ognean L., Cernea C., Cernea M., Ognean M. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of fenbendazole in healthy dogs. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 63/2006, Symposium “ Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp. 120-124, ISSN:1454-2382
- Cernea M., Cernea C., Cozma V., Madeira de Carvalho L.M. Comparative studies of the effectiveness of fenbendazole and ivermectine based treatment in equine strongylidosis. Scientific works, C series XL, veterinary medicine, simpozionul “Contribuţii ale cercetării ştiinţifice la progresul medicinii veterinare”, Bucureşti, 16-17 noiembrie 2006, pp.360-365, ISSN:1222-5304
- Cernea M, Cernea C., Ognean L., Cozma V., Madeira de Carvalho L.M. Influence of mebendazole treatment on epidemiological factors in donkey strongylidosisi. Scientific works, C series XL, veterinary medicine, simpozionul “Contribuţii ale cercetării ştiinţifice la progresul medicinii veterinare”, Bucureşti, 16-17 noiembrie 2006, pp.366-370, ISSN:1222-5304
- Cernea C., Cernea M. Establishinh the causal factors in the development of psoroptic mange in buffalo from S.C.D.C.B. - şercaia, Braşov District. Scientific works, C series XL, veterinary medicine, simpozionul “Contribuţii ale cercetării ştiinţifice la progresul medicinii veterinare”, Bucureşti, 16-17 noiembrie 2006, pp.349-354, ISSN:1222-5304
- Cernea C., Cernea M. General epidemiologycal aspects of mange in bovine populations in the center and North-west of Romania. Scientific works, C series XL, veterinary medicine, simpozionul “Contribuţii ale cercetării ştiinţifice la progresul medicinii veterinare”, Bucureşti, 16-17 noiembrie 2006, pp.355-359, ISSN:1222-5304
- Ognean L., Cernea C., Oana L., Cernea M., Ognean M. Clearance investigation for the different active substances used as anthelmintic drugs in the dog therapy. Scientific works, C series XL, veterinary medicine, simpozionul “Contribuţii ale cercetării ştiinţifice la progresul medicinii veterinare”, Bucureşti, 16-17 noiembrie 2006, pp.61-67, ISSN:1222-5304
- Cernea C., Titilincu A., Cernea M., Mureşan A. Cozma V. Psoroptic mange in buffaloes: hematological, serological and immunological study Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2006, vol . 7, nr. 3-4, pp.107-111, ISSN:1582-1366
- Cernea C., Cernea M. Establishing the causal factors in the development of Chorioptic mange in cattle. Scientifical Papers - Veterinary Medicine, Vol. XL, USAMV a Banatului, Timişoara, 2007, pp.303-308. Ed. Imprimeria Mirton, Issn:1221-5295
- Cernea M., Cernea C. Mathematical methods applicable in pharmacological resistance tests.
- Scientifical Papers - Veterinary Medicine, Vol. XL, USAMV a Banatului, Timişoara, 2007,pp.135-139, Issn Ed. Imprimeria Mirton, Issn:1221-5295.
- Cernea M., Cernea C., Ognean M., Onac D., Răileanu ş., Cozma V. Eggs hatching and larval development assay of strongyls resistance at benzimidazoles in zoo equines. Scientifical Papers - Veterinary Medicine, Vol. XL, USAMV a Banatului, Timişoara, 2007, pp.140-146, Issn Ed. Imprimeria Mirton, Issn:1221-5295
- Cernea M., Cernea C., Mărculescu A. Trîncă S. The therapeutic effectiveness of mebendazole in Ancylostomosis and Strongyloidosis in dogs.Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 64/2007, Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.91-95, ISSN:1843-5270
- Onac D., Cernea M., Cernea C., Zagon C., Titilincu A., Cozma V. Epidemiologia strongilidozelor la ecvinele din grădini zoologice. The xth National Congress of Veterinary Medicine, 2007, pp.103-104.
- Ognean L., Cernea C., Cernea M., Miclăuş V. Pârv M. Cuantificarea unor parametrii farmacocinetici necesari evaluării bioechivalenţei produsului Anipratel. Scientific Works, C series, LI, 2007, Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, simpozionul “Contribuţii ale cercetării ştiinţifice la progresul medicinii veterinare", pp.358-364, ISSN:1222-5304
- Cernea M. Cernea C. Răileanu S. Gut A. Silberg R. Mărculescu A.L. Madeira de Carvalho. Testing of sensibility and specificity of in vivo resistance investigation methods. Scientifical Papers, Veterinary Medicine, vol XLI, USAMV a Banatului, Timişoara, 2008, pp.550-555, Issn Ed. Imprimeria Mirton, Issn:1221-5295
- Oncac Diana, Cernea M. Cernea C. Zagon C. Titilincu A. Cozma V. Strongylidosis epidemiology in horses from zoo. Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară, vol. 18, nr. 1/2008, ISSN:12220-3173, pp.181-192
- Cernea Mihai, Cernea Cristina, S. Răileanu, A. Gut, R. Silberg, L. Madeira de Carvalho Establishing the necessary and functional parameters of the deterministic mathematical model of in vitro resistance evaluation in equine strongyls resistance. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 51(10)/2008, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, 5-6 Iunie, 2008, pp.257-260, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Cernea Mihai,Cernea Cristina, S. Răileanu,A. Gut,R. Silberg, L. Madeira de Carvalho. Calculation of resistance factor and evaluation of results veridicity from a biomathematical prospective in equine strongyls resistance. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 51(10)/2008, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, 5-6 Iunie, 2008, pp.261-263, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Cernea Laura,M. Cernea , L. Ognean, N. Fiţ , S. Trâncă, S. Tripon Simona Cucuruzan. The effect of some plant extracts on the intestinal endo-symbiotic micro-biocenosis in laboratory mice. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 51(10)/2008, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, 5-6 Iunie, 2008, pp.33-37, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Ognean L., Cernea Cristina, Cernea M. Evolution of cow mammary health and the hygienic and sanitary parameters of produced and processed milk on the closed chain productive flow of the Sanlacta Company. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 51(10)/2008, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, 5-6 Iunie, 2008, pp.103-108, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Cernea Mihai, Cernea Cristina, Cozma Vasile, Răileanu S., Gut A, Silberg R, Luis Madeira de Carvalho. Comparative evaluation of drug resistance tests in equine strongylidosis. Proceeding - Equine Parasite Drug Resistance - Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, on July 31 and August 1, 2008, pp.18-19
- Luis Madeira de Carvalho, Cernea Mihai, Sónia Martins, Sérgio Sousa Sofia Gersão, Cernea Laura. L3 subpopulations of Cyathostomum sensu latum : Adventures with an alternative approach to study cyathostomin infection of horses in Portugal and Romania. Proceeding - Equine Parasite Drug Resistance - Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, on July 31 and August 1, 2008, pp.31.
- Cernea Cristina, Cernea M. Ognean L., Trîncă S. Popa A. Investigation regarding the influence of some plant extracts on the hematological parameters in lambs Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 65(1-2)/2008, Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.285-290, ISSN:1843-5270
- Cernea Cristina,Cernea M. Ognean L. Trîncă S. The efect of certain essential oils on laboratory mice intestinal protozoa. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 65(1-2)/2008, Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.281-284, ISSN:1843-5270
- Cernea Mihai, Cernea L. C. Răileanu S. Gut A. Silberg R. Monitoring of equine strongyls resistance to anthelmintics. Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Tulcea, Romania,The XVII Intrnational Symposium "Deltas and Wetlands 2008" 18-20 September 2008
- Răileanu S. Cernea Mihai, Cernea L. C., Gut A. Silberg R. The identification of feral-wild horse's strongyles from Danube Delta Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Tulcea, Romania. The XVII Intrnational Symposium "Deltas and Wetlands 2008" 18-20 September 2008
- Cernea Mihai, Cernea Cristina, Luís Madeira de Carvalho, Deterministic bio-mathematical model (Anthelmintic Resistance Program) of resistance evaluation in equine strongyls IV. Congresso Ciências Veterinárias I Congresso Ibérico de Epidemiologia INRB, INIA/Fonte Boa, 27-29 Novembro 2008, pp. 121
- Luís M. Madeira de Carvalho, Mihai Cernea; Sónia Martins; Sérgio Sousa; Sofia Gersão; Laura Cernea. Comparative study of cyathostomin horse infection in Portugal and Romania based in L3 subpopulations of Cyathostomum sensu latum. Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2008, vol . 2, pp. 48-56 ISSN:1582-1366
- L. M. Madeira de Carvalho, L.Gomes, M. Cernea, C. Cernea, C.A. Santo, N. Bernarde, M.A. Rosário, M. J. Soares, I. Fazendeiro. Gastrointestinal parasites and its control in stabled donkeys and mules. Revista portuguesa Ciências Veterinárias, RPCV (2007) 102 (563-564) pp.225-231, trimisa în 2007 publicată în 2009.
- Ognean L., Cristina Cernea, M. Cernea, G. Giurgiu, S. Trîncă. The relevance of the blood biochemical modifications for detection of some vitamino-mineral inbalances consequential to uncontrolled feed of the ostrich chickens. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.1, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.231-235, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Laura Cristina Cernea, Mihai Cernea, Laurenţ Ognean, Valentin Năstasa, Ştefan Răileanu, Mihai Mareş, Luis M. Madeira De Carvalho, Anca Chereji. The efficacy of hidroalchoolic herbal extracts on eggs and larvae of equine strongyls Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.1, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.426-431, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Laura Cristina Cernea, Mihai Cernea, Laurenţ Ognean, Viorel Miclăuş, Sebastian Trîncă. The influence of hydro-alcoholic plant extracts on protein evolution from lambs. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.1, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.432-435, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Mihai Cernea, Laura Cristina Cernea, Laurenţ Ognean, Valentin Năstasa, Mihai Mareş, Ştefan Răileanu, Luis M. Madeira De Carvalho. Phytotherapy in equine strongylidosis. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.1, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.436-441, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Mihai Cernea, Laura Cristina Cernea, Laurenţ Ognean, Valentin Năstasa, Mihai Mareş, Ştefan Răileanu, Sebastian Trîncă. Pharmacodinamic studies of anthelmintic classes used in equine strongylidosis Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.1, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.442-446, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Cristea Gheorghe, Mareş Mihai, Cernea Mihai, Cernea Cristina, Grecu Mariana, Moraru Ramona, Malic Luminiţa, Năstasă Valentin. Pharmacoclinical considerations on the process of tissue repair using proteolytic enzymes of euphausia superba in the treatment of accidental tardive wounds in horse Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.1, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.493-497, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Năstasă Valentin, Munteanu, Pavli, Mareş, Cernea M, Cernea L. C, Grecu, Moraru, Malic Luminiţa Pharmacoclinical considerations on ketamine - diazepam, ketamine - acepromazine and propofol - butorphanol anaesthesia in dogs. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.2, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.684-690, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Ognean L., Meda Moldovan, Cristina Cernea, L. Oana, A. Gal, C. Ober. Detection of blood incompatibillities in dogs with major risks in blood transfusion therapy Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 52(11)/2009, vol.2, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2009, pp.707-711, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Mihai Cernea, Cristina L. Cernea, Stefan Răileanu, L. Madeira De Carvalho. Determination of Resistance Reference Parameters of Equine Strongyls to Anthelmintic. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 66(1)/2009, Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.354-358, ISSN:1843-5270
- Cristina L. Cernea, Mihai Cernea. In Vitro Evaluation of Benzimidazole Resistance of Ancylostomidae şi Strongylididae in Dogs. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 66(1)/2009, Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.129-134, ISSN:1843-5270
- Ognean L., Moldovan M., Cernea C. L., Cernea Mihai. Value of crossmatch tests for verifying the compability in dog blood transfusion therapy. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 66(1)/2009, Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture”, pp.170-175, ISSN:1843-5270
- Ognean L., Meda Moldovan, Cristina Cernea, Mihai Cernea, S. Tripon Testarea compatibilitatii sanguine hemotranfuzionale la caine si alte animale de companie. Buletinul societatii romane de biologie celulara nr. 37 - iunie 2009, Bistrita, Universitatea Vasile Goldis, Arad
- Cristina Cernea, V. Miclaus, C. Ober, L. Ognean, L. Oana, Mihai Cernea, V. Rus Observation concerning sexual dimorphism in submandibular gland of the rats Studia universitatis Vasile Goldis, seria stiintele vietii, vol. 19/1/2009, pp. 37-39
- Ognean L., Sarandan H., Cernea Cristina, Mihai Cernea, Oana l., Meda Moldovan. Ostrich health surveillance in a semi-intensive little farm based on the evaluation of the main haematological parameters Lucrari stiintifice, medicina veterinara, vol XLII (2)/2009, FMV Timisoara
- Cernea Mihai, Cernea Cristina. Strongyls benzimidazole resistance in equines from zoo. Clujul Medical veterinar, nr15/2009, FMV Cluj, pp 35-40
- Ognean L., Cristina Cernea, Mihai cernea, Tripon S. Evaluarea biodisponibilitatii comparative a doua antihelmintice pe baza de fenbendazol, praziquantel si pyrantel pamoat. Clujul Medicla Veterinar, nr 14/2008 (decembrie), pp. 26-32
- Mihai CERNEA1, Laura Cristina CERNEA1, Ştefan RĂILEANU3, Valentin NĂSTASA2, Mihai MAREŞ2, Laurenţ OGNEAN1, Luis M. Madeira de CARVALHO4. Biological control of pastures infested with equine strongyls larvae. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 53(12)/2010, partea 3, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2010, pp.571-574, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406
- Mihai CERNEA1, Laura Cristina CERNEA1, Ştefan RĂILEANU3, Valentin NĂSTASA2, Mihai MAREŞ2, Laurenţ OGNEAN1, Luis M. Madeira de CARVALHO4. The efficacy of herbal extract on equine Strongylidosis. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 53(12)/2010, partea 3, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2010, pp.575-581, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Laura Cristina CERNEA1, Mihai CERNEA1, Laurenţ OGNEAN1, Valentin NĂSTASA2, Ştefan RĂILEANU3, Mihai MAREŞ2, Anca CHEREJI1 Luis M. Madeira de CARVALHO4. The efficacy of macrocyclic lactones and benzimidazoles combination in equine strongylidosis. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 53(12)/2010, partea 3, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2010, pp. 562-565, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Laura Cristina CERNEA1, Mihai CERNEA1, Laurenţ OGNEAN1, Valentin NĂSTASA2, Ştefan RĂILEANU3, Mihai MAREŞ2, Anca CHEREJI1 Luis M. Madeira de CARVALHO4. The efficacy of tetrahydropyrimidines and benzimidazoles combination in equine strongylidosis. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 53(12)/2010, partea 3, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2010, pp.566-570, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- L. OGNEAN , Ani Alina Rodica, Cristina CERNEA, M. CERNEA, C. PESTEAN, Meda Maria MOLDOVAN. Use Of Blood Parameters In Hematology And Cytology Health Creck Carps (Cyprinus Carpio) Reared In System Semi‐Intensive. Lucr. St. Seria M.V. no. 53(12)/2010, partea 3, USAMV Iaşi. Simposium Progress and Perspectives in Veterinary Medicine, Iunie, 2010, pp.442-447, Iaşi, ISSN:1454-7406.
- Cernea Mihai, Cernea Cristina, Luis M. Madeira de CARVALHO4. Bio-mathematical soft applicable in pharmacological resistance tests. Rev. Scientia Parasitologica, 2010, vol . 11 (1), pp. 24-28 ISSN:1582-1366
- Laurent Ognean , Chiurciu C. Zavoiu F., Cristina CERNEA, Mihai, CERNEA, Cristina TODORAN, Meda MOLDOVAN, Sebastian TRINCA. The Relevance of Some Physiological Parameters in Evaluating the Safety of Two Vaccine Formulation Against Contagious Agalaxia in Goats. Buletin USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 67 (1), 2010, Veterinary Medicine, ISSN 1843-5270, pp.166-178.
- Laurent Ognean, Beres M., Geta Pavel, Vlasiu A., Cristina CERNEA, Mihai, CERNEA, Cristina TODORAN, Meda MOLDOVAN, Sebastian TRINCA The Evolution of the Hemogram and Certain Biochemical Parameters from Blood and Milk of sows During the first week Post-Part Buletin USAMV Cluj-Napoca, vol. 67 (1), 2010, Veterinary Medicine, ISSN 1843-5270, pp.158-165
Carţi publicate
- Atlas de diagnostic al Strongilidozelor la ecvine [2008]. Mihai Cernea, Luís M. Madeira de Carvalho, Vasile Cozma, Laura Cernea Cristina, ştefan Răileanu, Radu Silberg, Adrian Gut, Editura AcademicPres, (118 p) ISBN 978-973-744-127-0
- Chimiorezistența La Antihelmintice De Uz Medical Veterinar [2010]– Mihai Cernea, Laura Cristina Cernea, Vasile Cozma, Ed. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca, 276 pagini, ISBN 978-973-744-217-8.