Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară
facultate acreditată EAEVE
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire Cluj-Napoca
Taulescu Marian
Relevant scientific articles
Taulescu M., F. Tabaran, A. Gal, P. Bolfa, C Cuc, A Nagy, G Borza, C. Catoi, 2011 – Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) IN A European Bison (Bison Bonasus) – Anatomopathological findings and diagnosis. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):402-403.
Taulescu M., C. Catoi, P. Bolfa, L. Ciobanu, A. Gal, F. Tabaran, 2010, Gastric Polyps and Spontaneous Helicobacter spp. Infection in Dogs. Journal of Comparative Pathology, Vol. 143, Issue 4, November, Page 345 (Abstract);
Taulescu M., P. Bolfă, B. Sevastre, G. Borza, Monica Budugan, C.Pȃrǎu, C. Popovici, C.Catoi, 2010 - Gastric infection with Helicobacter spp. In dogs and cats – diagnostic methods. Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine. Vol.20, nr. 3/2010; pag.31-42.
Taulescu M., C. Catoi, G. Borza, P. Bolfa, A. Nagy, A. Gal, F. Tabaran, Cosmina Cuc, R. Moussa, A. Barbu, 2010 – Argulus spp. (Fish Louse) infection in a common carp (Cyprinus Carpio) from a fish farm in Cluj County. Scientific Papers - Veterinary Medicine USAMV Iasi, , nr. 53 (12). Part III: 1196-1200;
Taulescu M., A. Gal, P. Bolfa, R. Moussa, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, G. Borza, Cosmina Cuc, Lidia Ciobanu, C. Cătoi, 2010-Identification of Helicobacter pylori infection from the gastric samples of dogs with gastritis lesions by immnunohistochemical method. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1): 337-341;
Taulescu M., Lidia Ciobanu, C.Sisea , Brînduşa Diaconu, V. Andreica , C. Cătoi, P. Bolfă, 2009- Difficulties in identification and genetic analysis of helicobacter species using pcr methode from gastric samples and bacterial cultures. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 52 (11): 311-315;
Taulescu M., B. Sevastre, I. Marcus, R. Moussa, P. Bolfa, A. Gal, Cosmina Cuc, C. Cătoi, 2009 - Evaluation of Malignancy Criterias in Dogs Melanocytic Neoplasms. Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (1): 121-127;
Taulescu M., C. Catoi, A. Gal, P. Bolfă, I. Rus, 2008 . Morphological aspects in gastritis induced by Helicobacter pylori in dogs. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.65(1): 451-456;
Taulescu M., C. Catoi, A. Gal, P. Bolfa, V.I. Rus, Monica Budugan, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, 2009 - Diagnosis of spontaneous gastric infection with helicobacter species in dogs using pcr method. Scientific Papers - Veterinary Medicine USAMV Iasi, nr. 52 (11): 304-310;
Bolfă P., C Muresan, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, G. Nadas, C. Catoi, 2011 – Masticatory myositis of a dog – case study. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):83-87.
Borza G, C. Catoi, A. Gal, P Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, Cosmina Cuc, R. Moussa, 2011 – Quantification of Inos expression in adipose tissue from human obese patients. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):87-92.
Bouari (Cuc) Cosmina, N. Fiţ, S.Răpuntean, G. Nădaș, A. Gal, P.Bolfă, M. Taulescu, C.Cătoi, 2011 - In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of some plants essential oils against clinical isolates of Prototheca spp. Romanian Biotechnological Letters. Vol 16, Nr.3 (ISI-0.152)
Bouari (Cuc) Cosmina, C.Cătoi, N. Fiţ, S.Răpuntean, P.Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, F. Tabaran, G. Nădaș, A. Nagy R. Moussa , 2011 - In vitro susceptibility of Prototheca spp to antifungal agents. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):92 - 97.
Gal A, A. Baba, V Miclaus, C Bouari, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa, G. Borza, C Catoi, 2011 – Comparative aspects regarding MNU-induced mammary carcinogenesis in immature Sprague–Dowley and Whistar rats. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):159 - 164.
Moussa R., B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal., F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, C. Catoi , 2011 – Histological and macroscopical study of horse melanoma. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):252 - 260.
Moussa R., B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal., F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, C. Catoi , 2011 – Immunohistochemical expression of Melan-A in canine melanic tumors. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):260 - 268.
Sarpataki O., B Sevastre, NK Olah, D Hanganu, M Taulescu, R. Manalachioaie, C Catoi, I Marcus, 2011 – Antitutmor effects of Viscum album L. On Ehrlich Ascites carcinoma in vivo. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):320-328.
Tabaran F, C Catoi, S Clichici, T Mocanu, A Biris, S Simon, A Nagy, M Taulescu , P Bolfa, 2011 – Immunohistochemical quantification of the TNF receptor II expression in the hepatic tissue after systemic administration of the DNA-SWCNT. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):370-376.
Tabaran F, C Catoi, A Gal, P Bolfa, M Taulescu, A Nagy, C Cuc, G Borza, R Moussa, 2011 – Histopathological changes of the urinary bladder in the natural occurred infection with trichosomoides crassicauda in albino rats. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):401-402.
Nagy A, M Taulescu, F. Tabaran, A. Gal, P. Bolfa, C Cuc, G Borza, C. Catoi, 2011 – Immunohistochemical markers for hepatic myofibroblast identification in dogs with chronic liver disease. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine section, 68 (1):369-397.
Alina Elena Parvu, C. Craciun, S. Tripon, S.F. Alb, M.A. Taulescu, Simona Clichici, Alexandra Craciun, 2011, Mechanical therapy effect in chronic periodontitis. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XVI (I):154-159.
Sevastre B., M. Taulescu, R. Moussa, Iulia Prodan, C.Cătoi, I.Marcus, 2010 - The diagnose and therapy of the melanoma in dogs. Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine; pag.33-43;
Predescu Gabriela, M. Taulescu, V. Cozma, A.I.Baba, 2010 - Gross and microscopical lesions of the liver in chronic infestation with Fasciola hepatica in bovines. Sci Parasitol Volume 11, Issue 4, pag.203-206.
Oana L., C. Peştean, M. Taulescu, C. Cătoi, C. Mureşan, C. Ober, V. Miclăuş, Daniela Oros, H. Criveanu, 2010 - Clinical and Histopathological aspects of oral leiomyoma in male budgerigar - case report, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XV, pp. 158-160.
Oana L., C. Ober, C. Peştean, M. Taulescu, V. Miclăuş, C. Cătoi, A. Oros, Daniela Oros, 2010 - Integration Histology of Polypropylene Mesh in Perineal Hernia in Dogs, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XV, pp. 174-177.
Bolfă P., Rozalia Pop, M. Taulescu, C. Catoi, A.Gal, C. Mureșan, Mihaela Niculae, Marina Spanu, 2010 - Evaluarea comparativă a unui test imunoenzimatic și a imunodifiziei ȋn gel de agar pentru serodiagnosticul anemiei infecţioase ecvine. Revista Romana de Medicina Veterinara, Vol.20, nr. 3/2010; pag.71-76.
Bolfă P., M. Taulescu, A. Gal, Cosmina Cuc, A.Nagy, F. Tabaran, G. Borza, R. Moussa, C. Mureșan, Al. Păvăloiu, C. Cătoi, 2010- Urinary tract lesions in cats and dogs:Epidemio-Pathology study. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1): 357-358;
Bolfă P., Gh. Răpuntean, R. Biţă, G. Nădaș, N. Fiţ, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, Cosmina Cuc, A.Nagy, F. Tabaran, C. Cătoi, 2010 – Pathological features of contagious pustular dermatitis in romanian lambs. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1): 358-359;
Bolfă P., Şandru Dana, Niculae Mihaela, Cătoi C., Taulescu M., Cuc Cosmina, Nagy A., Tăbăran F., Spînu Marina, 2010 - In vitro quantification of the effects of equine infectious anemia virus infection on the cellular immune response. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, XV, pp. 202-210.
Nagy A., C. Catoi, A. Gal., P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, F. Tabaran, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010 - Spontaneous cases of chronic hepatopathies in dogs. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 53 (12): 438-442;
Nagy A., C. Catoi, Simona Clichici, A. Gal, F. Tabaran, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, Cosmina Cuc, 2010 – Immunohistochemical identification of alpha smooth muscle actin positive myofibroblasts in toxic hepatitis. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1): 153-157;
Gal A., C. Catoi, A.I. Baba, V. Miclăuș, P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, R. Moussa, Cosmina Cuc, 2010 – Aspects regarding vasculogenic mimicry in canine mammary cancer. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 53 (12). Partea I: 49-59;
Gal A., C. Catoi, A.I. Baba, V. Miclăuș, M. Taulescu, Cosmina Cuc, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, R. Moussa, 2010 – Expression of 2-nd receptor of tumor necrosis cytokine (TNFR-II) in canine mammary neoplasms. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1):64-71;
Moussa R., C. Catoi, B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal., F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, L. Nasr, 2010 – Study of expression of S100 marker by immunohistochemistry in canine melanic tumors and comparative it with macroscopic and microscopic aspect. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1):141-147;
Moussa R., C. Catoi, B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal., F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc. 2010 – Expression of the vimentin marker in dog melanic cutaneous tumors. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 53 (12) partea I: 115-120;
Bolfă P., C. Catoi, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, Cosmina Cuc, R. Moussa, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, G. Borza, C. Mureșan, Marina Spȃnu, 2010. Correlation between morphopathological exam and evolutuve stage in natural infection with equine infectious anemia virus. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 53 (12): 547-553;
Tabaran F., C. Catoi, A. Gal., P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010 - Anatomopathological and epidemiological study of visceral and non-visceral hemangiosarcoma in dogs. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 53 (12): 1190-1196;
Tabaran F., C. Catoi, A. Gal., P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, 2010-Immunohistochemical characterization of hemangiosarcoma in dogs. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1): 372-373;
Cuc (Bouari) Cosmina, Gh. Răpuntean, C. Catoi, N. Fit, G. Nadas, P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, R. Moussa, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, 2010. In vitro activity of some natural essential oils against the yeast-like alga prototheca. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 53 (12): 997-1003;
Cuc (Bouari) Cosmina, C. Catoi, N. Fit, S. Răpuntean, G. Nadas, P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010 – The inhibitory effect of some natural essential oils upon Prototheca Algae in vitri growth. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.67 (1):34-39.
Alina Elena Parvu, S. F. Alb, S Clichici, A Craciun, C Craciun, M. Taulescu, , G Baciu, M Baciut, A. Bulboacă, A. Bulboacă, 2009 - Nitric oxide synthesis in periodontitis. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, Kyoto, Japan. Volume 59, Supplement 1; pag.212.
Catoi C., M.Taulescu, A.I., Baba, 2009 – Cancerul gastric indus de infecţia cu Helicobacter spp. Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology. Nr 16.
Ciobanu Lidia, Taulescu M., Sisea C., Brindusa Diaconu, Raluca Prunduf, V. Andreica, C. Catoi, 2009 - Dificultati in idcntificarea si analiza genica prin tehnica PCR a Helicobacter spp. din biopsii gastrice umane s.i din culturi bacteriene. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases. Volume 18, Supplement 1, pag. 23-24.
Popovici C., M. Taulescu, G. Giurgiu, M. Mircean, C. Cătoi, 2009 - Chilotorax cu pleurită restrictivă secundară la o pisică de 8 ani: studiu de caz. Revista Romana de Medicina Veterinara, Vol.19, nr. 3/2009; pag.99-107.
Bolfă P., Udrea Elena, Nagy A., Tăbăran F., Cuc Cosmina, Taulescu M., Cătoi C., Moussa R., Ștefan R., 2009 - Analysis of Tissue Responses to Glass Implants xB2O3 (1-X) Bi2O3 in Wistar Rats. Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (1): 21-25;
Bolfa P., Taulescu M., Gal A., Niculae M., Scurtu I., Muresan C., 2009, Evaluation of total antioxidant status in horses infected with equine infectious anemia virus, Rom. J. Biochem., 46, Suppl., Bucharest.
Gal A.F., C. Catoi, Iulia Robu, A.I. Baba, V. Miclăuş, I. Rus, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, 2009 – Correlation between intratumor microvessel density and ki-67 malignancy marker in bitch mammary cancer. Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (1):55-62;
Scurtu I.,G. Giurgiu. M. Mircean, Laura Livitchi, Mihaela Niculae, M.Taulescu, A. Macri, A.I. Baba, 2009 – Morpho-clinic Study of a Guturral Pouch Squamous carcinoma. Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (2):61-65;
Moussa R., B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, A. GaL, I. Marcus, F. Tăbăran, A. Nagy, C. Cătoi, 2009 - Expression of the Vascular Marker CD31 in Dog Cutaneous Melanoma. Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (1):75-81;
Nagy A., C. Catoi, Simona Clichici, A. Gal, A. Tabaran, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, 2009 – Evaluation of histological changes in early liver fibrosis induced by chronic administration of carbon tetrachloride in wistar rats. . Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (1): 165-169;
Cuc Cosmina, C. Catoi, N. Fit, G. Nadas, S. Rapuntean, M. Taulescu, Daniela Calina, 2009 – Anatomical and histopatological researches in experimental infection with Prototheca algae in mice. Veterinary Medicine. Bulletin of USAMV Cluj -Napoca, vol.66 (1):282-289;
Muresan C., Bolfa P., C. Catoi, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, 2009- Clinical and pathological aspects in 2 cases of canine mastocytoma. Scientifical papers Veterinary Medicine, vol.XLII (2), pag.240-244.
Rus V.I., A.I.Baba, C. Catoi, A. Gal, P.F.Bolfa, M. Taulescu, T.Moldovan, 2008 - Aspects of experimental obesity in rats. Bulletin of USAMV, Cluj –Napoca.vol.65(1):80-85;
Bolfa P., Marina Spanu, C. Catoi, M. Taulescu, A.Gal, V.I.Rus, 2008 – Cell mediated immune changes in equine infectious anemia. Bulletin of USAMV, Cluj –Napoca. vol.65(1):354-357;
Bolfa P., Marina Spanu, C. Catoi, M. Taulescu, A.Gal, V.I.Rus, 2008 – The relation between Coggins test and ELISA in the diagnosis of Equine Infectious Anemia. Bulletin of USAMV, Cluj-Napoca vol.65(2): 304-309;
Gal A., C. Catoi, I. Rus, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, I. Lakatos, A.I. Baba, 2008 – The study of the vascularisation in bitch mammary tumors. Bulletin of USAMV, Cluj –Napoca. vol.65(1): 388-394;
Demeter C., M.Taulescu, P. Bolfa, 2008 – Pathological aspects of porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome. International meeting of students of agriculture, May 21-24, Porec, Croatia pag.40.
Gal A.F., C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, V.I. Rus, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, 2008 - Anatomopathological aspects in circovirosis in pigs. Scientifical Papers Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, vol.XLI: 331-339;
Catoi C., R. Moussa, P. Bolfa, M. Taulescu, O. Negrea, 2008 – Morphological study of testicular tumors in dogs – poster. Scientifical Papers Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, vol.XLI, 100-105.
Cătoi C., A.I. Baba, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, I. V. Rus, P. Bolfa, 2008 - The diagnosis of scrapie in a flock of sheep. Scientifical Papers Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, vol.XLI: 271-277;