Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca
facultate aprobată EAEVE
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire Cluj-Napoca
Sevastre Bogdan
Activitatea Științifică
Prim autor:
10. Sevastre B., Iulia Prodan, Nicoleta Decea, I. Marcus, M. Tamas and C. Deliu. (2008). Peucedanum officinale prevents oxidative damage in ovariectomisated rats. Sibiul Medical 19 (2) 130-135. ISSN 1221-2873
11. Sevastre B., F. Lucian, Iulia Prodan, I. Marcus, M. Tamas and C. Deliu. (2008). Peucedanum oreoselinum L. Moench effect in Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; 65(1):144-8 ISSN 1454-2382.
12. Sevastre B., A.I. Baba (2008). Tenascin, oncological signification. Rom.J.Comp.Oncology 15: 983-992. ISSN 1582-0807.
13. Sevastre B., Neli Kinga Olah, Iulia Prodan, R. Manalachioaie, I. Marcus, Dana Hanganu. (2010).Comparison of Antitumor Effect in Two Viscum album L. Extracts. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; 67(1) 270-6. ISSN 1843-5270.
14. Sevastre B., Iulia Prodan, R. Manalachioae, I. Marcus, A. M. Scarlat, M. Tamas. (2010). Antitumor Effect of Coriolus versicolor Queil Alcoholic Extract. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; 67(1) 263-9. ISSN 1843-5270.
15. Sevastre B., M. Taulescu, R Moussa, Iulia Prodan, C. Catoi, I. Marcus (2010). Diagnosis and Therapy in Dog Melanoma. Rev.Rom.Med.Vet. 20(4): 33-42. ISSN 1220-3173 (in Romanian).
16. Sevastre B., I. Marcus, R. Tamaian (2011) In silico Identification of New Antiproliferative Compounds, Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinases. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 334-43 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
17. Sevastre B., M. Taulescu, O. Sarpataki, R. Manalachioaie, I. Marcus, C. Catoi, (2011). Molecular Prognostic Parameters in Dog Melanocytic Neoplasms. Rev.Rom.Med.Vet. 21(4): 23-34 ISSN 1220-3173 (in Romanian)
18. Sevastre B., N.K. Olah, D. Hanganu, O. Sarpataki, M. Taulescu, R. Manalachioaie, I. Marcus, C. Catoi (2012) Viscum album L. Alcoholic Extract Enhance the Effect of Doxorubicin in Ehrlich Carcinoma Tumor Cells. Rom.Biotech.Lett 17(1):6975-81
19. Marcus I., A.I. Baba, R. Giurgea, C. Bele, S. Andrei, A. Pintea, Al. Pop, B. Sevastre, A. Oros, (1998). „The Study of Some Clinical and Hematological Parameters in Relation With Growth Particularity of Walker 256 Carcinoma Grafted im and sc to Laboratory Animals”, Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine, (2): 537-545. ISBN 973-9234-27-5
20. Marcus I., A.I. Baba, D. Borda, C. Bele, S. Andrei, A. Pintea, Al. Pop, B. Sevastre (1998). Clinical and Para clinical Aspects Correlated with Biological Behavior of Ehrlich Tumour Grafted im and sc at Laboratory Animals. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine -CN, (2): 545-553. ISBN 973-9234-27-5.
21. Marcus I., A.I. Baba, R. Giurgea, D. Borda, C. Bele, S. Andrei, A. Pintea, Al. Pop, B. Sevastre, A. Tătar (1998). Clinical and Para clinical Parameters Dynamic in Correlation with Sarcoma S-180 Evolution Grafted im and sc at Swiss Mouse. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine, (2): 553-560. ISBN 973-9234-27-5.
22. Marcus I., V. Ciurdaru, Al. Pop, A. Oros, B. Sevastre (1999).The study of the Catalase and Peroxidase Activity Correlated with the Tumor Experimental Growth in the Wistar Rats Treated with Beta-Carotene. Scientific Debates, USAMV-CN Timişoara, 303-309. ISBN 973-578-190-5.
23. Marcus I., A. Oros, Al. Pop, B. Sevastre (1999). The Values of Some Plasma and Tissue Minerals Constituents Correlated to Aggressiveness and invasiveness of Walker 256 Carcinoma. Scientific Debates, USAMV-CN Timişoara, 311-315. ISBN 973-578-190-5.
24. Marcus I., B. Sevastre, Al. Pop, A. Oros (2000). Observations concerning the evolution of some clinical parameters correlated to oral administration of beta-carotene in the modulation of the biological behavior of Walker 256 carcinoma. Lucr St. UASVM Iasi, (43), 74-80, ISSN 1454-7406
25. Marcus I., R. Giurgea, B. Sevastre, Al. Pop (2000). Hepatic, muscular and tumoral biochemical markers with prognosticaly significance in the evaluation of evolutive stage and of the degree of tumoral extension in the rats grafted with the Walker 256 tumor and treated with beta-carotene Lucr St USAMV-CN Iasi, (43), 80-88, ISSN 1454-7406
26. Marcus I., Al. Pop, A. Oros, B. Sevastre (2000). The Value of Some Biochemical Tumour Markers Correlated With the Metastatic Evolutive Characteristics of the Experimental Tumour Growth. Lucr St USAMV-CN Iasi, (43), 88-92, ISSN 1454-7406
27. Baba A.I., C. Catoi, B. Sevastre (2001). Experimentally Induced Asbestos Pretumoral Lesions of Peritoneum in Rats. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine, (55-56): 59-64. ISSN 1454-2382.
28. Marcus I., Al. Pop, L. Marcus, B. Sevastre (2001). Researches Concerning the Effect of some Natural Phytotherapeutic Compounds on the Plasma and tissue Ionogram Values (Ca2+ Mg2+, Na+, and K+) to the Rats Grafted im with Walker 256 Carcinoma Comparatively With the Healthy Rats. UASMV, Veterinary Medicine, 55-56:25-30. ISSN 1454-2382.
29. Andrei S, Pintea A., Catoi C., Sevastre B., Varga A., Baba A.I. (2002) Antioxidant enzymes activities, lipids and proteins oxidation – markers of oxidative stress in rats i.p. treated with asbestos. Bulletin USAMV-CN -CN, 598-603, ISSN 1454-2382.
30. Andrei s., A. Pintea, B. Sevastre, C. Catoi, A.I Baba. (2003). Influence of lycopene administration on fatty acids and cholesterol content in rats ip. treated with asbestos. Bulletin USAMV-CN -CN, 60: 24-28. ISSN 1454-2382.
31. Marcus I., A. Oros, M. Duma, C. Molnar, B. Sevastre, Al. Pop (2003). The use of some unconventional compounds (deuterium depleted water) in the control of the experimental tumour growth (Ehrlich ascites) in NMRI mice. Lucr St. USAMV-CN Iasi, (47), 116-122, ISSN 1454-7406
32. Joantă A., S. Clichici, A. Filip, B Sevastre (2004). Oxidative stress in thyroid gland with various disorders. Yugoslavica Physiologica et Pharmacologica Acta, 40(1-3). 145-150.
33. Andrei S., A. Pintea, B. Sevastre, A.I. Baba (2005). Study regarding the mechanisms involved in oxidative stress state induction in rats i.p. treated with asbestos. Lucr St UASVM Iasi, (47), 6, ISSN 1454-7406
34. Marcus I., L. Fârcal, Al. Pop, B. Sevastre, M. Duma, A. Oros (2005). The deuterium depleted water intake correlated with the values of some hematological, biochemical and gravimetric parameters in NMRI mice inoculated with transplantable tumour (Ehlich ascites). Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine, 62: 172-178. ISSN 1454-2382.
35. Marcus I., B. Sevastre, Al. Pop, D. Zimveliu, P. Berdea (2006). Investigations concerning the values of some biochemical plasma compounds in Wistar rats grafted iv. with a transplantable tumour (Walker 256 ascitic carcinoma), correlated with the daily deuterium depleted water intake. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine, 63: 441-442. ISSN 1454-2382.
36. Marcus I., D. Marculescu, B. Sevastre, D. Zimveliu, Gh. Pop, Al. Pop (2007). The study of some clinical and haematological parameters on the Wistar rats inoculated with Walker 256 ascite correlated to daily ddw consumption. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; (64):178-184. ISSN 1843-5270.
37. Prodan Iulia, B. Sevastre, Ana-Maria Toiu, Daniela Benedec, Ilioara Oniga, C. Deliu, I. Marcus (2009). Antitumour activity of Hypericum perforatum and Hypericum maculatum in Ehrlich Ascitic Carcinoma. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66(1): 176-181. ISSN 1843-5270.
38. Tăulescu M., B. Sevastre, I. Marcus, R. Moussa, P. Bolfă, A. Gal, Cosmina Cuc, C. Cătoi (2009). Evaluation of malignancy criteria in dog melanocytic neoplasms. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66(1): 121-128. ISSN 1843-5270.
39. Moussa R., B. Sevastre, M. Tăulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal, I. Marcus, V.I. Rus, F.A. Tăbăran, A.L. Nagy, C Cătoi (2009). Expression of the vascular marker CD31 in dog cutaneous melanoma. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66(1): 75-81. ISSN 1843-5270.
40. Denes A.L., I. Marcus, Iulia Prodan, B. Sevastre, N. Fiţ, G. Nădaş, D. Călina (2009). An acellular anti-Bordetella bronhiseptica vaccine efficency test in Wistar rats. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66(1): 290-293. ISSN 1843-5270.
41. Hanganu D., A. Dorhoi, A. Pintea, N. Olah, B. Sevastre (2010). Cellular mediated immunity regulation done by Chenopodi boni henrici herba polyzaharides in hens. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi;114(2):587-92 ISSN 0300-8738
42. Mănălăchioae R., B. Sevastre, Prodan Iulia, Ana-Maria Toiu, Daniela Benedec, Ilioara Oniga, I. Marcus, C. Deliu, (2010), Comparative evaluation of antidepressant effects of two Hypericum species (H. perforatum L. and H. maculatum C) in Swiss mice, Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; 67(1) ISSN 1843-5270.
43. Prodan Iulia, B. Sevastre, R. Mănălăchioae, Ana-Maria Toiu, Daniela Benedec, Ilioara Oniga, C. Deliu, I. Marcus (2010), Testing of Antitumor Effects of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Hypericum Maculatum C. on Ehrlich Ascitis in Swiss Mice, Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; 67(1) 176-81- ISSN 1843-5270.
44. Moussa R., C Cătoi, B. Sevastre, M. Tăulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal, F. Tăbăran, A.L. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, I. Nasr (2010). Comparative Study of S100 Marker Expression by Immunohistochemistry in Canine Melanic Tumours – Asociation with Macroscopic and Microscopic Aspects. Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine; 67(1)141-7 ISSN 1843-5270.
45. Tăulescu M., P. Bolfă, B. Sevastre, G. Borza, Monica Budugan, C. Parau, C. Popovici, C. Cătoi (2010) Gastric infections with Helicobacter spp. in dogs and cats, diagnostic methods Rev.Rom.Med.Vet. 20(3): 31-42. ISSN 1220-3173 (in Romanian).
46. Moussa R., C Cătoi, B. Sevastre, M. Tăulescu, P. Bolfă, A. Gal, F. Tăbăran, A.L. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, (2010). Expression of Vimentin Marker in Dog Melanic Cutaneous Tumours Lucr St UASVM Iasi, 53 (12), ISSN 1454-7406.
47. Deac Florina-Violeta, Ana Maria Bolfa, C. Magdas, B. Sevastre, Silvia Turc, R. Silaghi-Dumitrescu (2010) Hemoglobin-based Blood Substitutes: Which Hemoglobin to Use? Rom. J. Biochem., 47 (2), 135–141
48. Moussa R, B Sevastre, M Taulescu, P Bolfa, A Gal, F Tabaran, A Nagy, C Cuc, G Borza, C Catoi (2011) Histological and Macroscopical Study of Horse Melanoma. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 252-9 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
49. Moussa R, B Sevastre, M Taulescu, P Bolfa, A Gal, F Tabaran, A Nagy, C Cuc, G Borza, C Catoi (2011) Immunohistochemical Expression of Melan-A in Canine Melanic Tumors Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 260-7 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
50. Sárpataki O, B Sevastre, NK Olah, D Hanganu, M Taulescu, R Mănălăchioae, C Cătoi, I Marcus (2011) Antitumor effects of Viscum album L. on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma In vivo Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 320-7 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
51. Mănălăchioae R, O Sarpataki, I Prodan, B Sevastre, I Marcus (2011) Swimming T-Maze and Radial Maze: two Cognitive Procedural Experiments to Determine the Influence of Acute Calorie Restriction over Learning Abilities in Wistar Rats Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 213-20 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
52. Mănălăchioae R, O Sarpataki, I Prodan, B Sevastre, I Marcus (2011) The Influence of Different Levels of Acute Calorie Restriction on Several Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 207-12 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
53. Moussa R., Sevastre B., P. Bolfa, M. Taulescu, C. Catoi, (2011). Cytological features of horse melanic tumors. Rev.Rom.Med.Vet. 21(4): 89-95 ISSN 1220-3173 (in Romanian)
54. Taulescu M.A., Bolfă P.F., Buiga R., Gal A.F., Sevastre B., Morar I., Cătoi C. Metastatic cholangiocarcinoma in a llama (Lama glama). J.Vet.Diagnost.Invest. [Epub ahead of print]
Participări Conferințe
Prim autor:
Carți / Capitole
Sevastre B., Culturi celuare animale – Ghid practic, Ed. Risoprint Cluj Napoca, 2007
Pop Al, I. Marcus, B. Sevastre, Fiziopatologie experimentala, Risoprint Cluj Napoca, 2002
Stagii de pregatire
Stagiu de pregatire doctorala in cadrul Programului „Marie Curie” la Departamentul de Patologie, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Universitatea Utrecht, Olanda, Aprilie 2002 - Aprilie 2003
Stagiu de pregătire
Stagiu de pregătire la Departamentul de Genetică Animală, Universitatea Cordoba, Spania 14-20 Iunie 2011
Lista proiectelor de cercetare
PN-II-ID-PCE CNCSIS Contract Nr. 1106/2009 (2008-2011) Influenta stresului oxidativ in intensificarea sintezei tenascinei si semnificatia acesteia in melanomul de la caine, identificarea de oportunitati fitoterapeutice.
CEEX; BIOTECH, Contract Nr. 5/14.09.2007 (2007-2010) (Coordonator: Institutul de Cercetari Biologice Cluj Napoca) Evaluarea morfo-biochimică şi genetică a unor populaţii de Hypericum din Transilvania în scopul identificării şi conservării bioformelor înalt productive, precum şi a utilizării lor durabile în fitoterapie.
CEEX; BIOTECH, Contract Nr. 8/07.10.2005 (2005-2008) (Coordonator: Institutul de Cercetari Biologice Cluj Napoca) Evaluarea genofondului speciilor de Peucedanum (fam. Apiaceae) din Transilvania în scopul utilizării lor durabile în fitoterapie.
PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILE PRIORITARE Contract Nr. 42-112/01.10.2008; NANOCITOX; Coordonator: Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Iuliu Hatieganu Cluj Napoca, Responsabil USAMV CN Evaluarea si modularea biodistributiei si citotoxicitatii nanotuburilor de carbon cu aplicatii biomoleculare
PNCDI II Biotehnologii - Coordonator: INCDTCI- Rm. Valcea Responsabil USAMV CN, Nr. 61-002/2007. (2007-2010), Obţinerea şi caracterizarea de noi nanomedicamente-ţintă cu substanţă activă naftochinonică.
CEEX, Modul III, (2006 - 2008) Contract nr. 105/2006. Promovarea unei abordari integrate in ce priveste cercetarile de patologie comparata la nivel celular si tisular in vederea ajustarii tematicilor autohtone la standardele europene.
CNCSIS: (2005 - 2007). Cercetari clinice si de laborator privind influenta unor compusi exogeni (apa saracita in deuteriu) asupra dezvoltarii cancerului experimental de transplant la animale de laborator.
CNCSIS: (2002 - 2004) Cercetari privind implicatiile clinice si paraclinice ale unor forme de stres fizic si chimic in evolutia cancerului experimental de transplant la animale de laborator.