Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca
facultate aprobată EAEVE
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire Cluj-Napoca
Gal Adrian
Gal, A., A.I. Baba, C. Cătoi, Sorina Iacob, Florina Boloş, E. Dombay, 2003 - Malignancy markers of canine and feline mammary neoplasms, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 60/2003 (1-5), 80-85, ISSN 1454-2382.
GAL A., A.I BABA, SORINA IACOB, E. DOMBAY, C. CĂTOI., 2004 - Histological and cytological criteria in bitch mammary neoplasm, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 61 (1-5), 77-83, ISSN 1454-2382.
GAL A., A.I BABA., 2004 - Aspecte morfopatologice într-un focar de tuberculoză bovină, poster, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 61 (1-5), 272, ISSN 1454-2382.
Gal, A., C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, Sorina Iacob, E. Dombay, 2004 - Epidemiological studies of mammary neoplasms in bitches, 29-th World Small Animal Veterinary Congress-WSAVA 2004, 6-9 oct., Rhodes, Grecia,113.
Gal, A., C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, Sorina Iacob, E. Dombay, 2004 – Malignity markers in canine mammary neoplasms, 29-th World Small Animal Veterinary Congress-WSAVA 2004, 6-9 oct., Rhodes, Grecia, 112.
GAL A., MANUELA GAL, C. CĂTOI, SORINA IACOB, FLORINA BOLOS, E. DOMBAY, A.I BABA, 2005 - Nuclear organization region, malignancy markers in bitch cytology mammary tumors, USAMV-CN Buletin, 62, 138-144, ISSN 1454-2382.
GAL A., A INCZE, 2005, Investigations regarding morphopathological diagnose in a period of 10 years in pigs, poster, USAMV-CN Buletin, 62, 616, ISSN 1454-2382.
Gal, A., C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, Sorina Iacob, E. Dombay, Florina Boloş, 2005 - Malignant chemodectoma in aortic body in one dog, 5-th InternationalConference of Ph-D Students, Miskolc, Hungary, University of Miskolc - Inovation and Technology Transfer Centre, 43-48.
Gal, A., A.I. Baba, C. Cătoi, Sorina Iacob, E. Dombay, I. Rus, 2006 - Hiperplastic/Displastic lessions in tissue surrounding mammary malign tumors, Progrese si perspective in medicina veterinara, Iasi, pg. 8-9.
Gal, A., Baba A. I., Cătoi C., Sorina Iacob, Rus V., Dombay E., 2006 - Mammary induced carcinogenesis by methyl-nitroso urea in impubere Whistar rats, Buletin USAMV-CN, 63/2006, ISSN 1454-2390: 96-101.
Gal, A., Cătoi C., Baba A. I., 2006 - Benign and malign chemodectoma in aortic body in three dogs, Buletin USAMV-CN, 63/2006, ISSN 1454-2390: 434.
GAL A., HENER ADRIANA, A.I. BABA, C. CATOI, I. RUS, 2007 – Prognosis significance of intratumor microvessel density in bitch and cat mammary tumors, Bulletin USAMV-CN, vol. 64 (1-2): 151, print ISSN 1843-5270, electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
Gal A., Sanda andrei, A.I. Baba, C. Cătoi, I. Rus, M. Taulescu, 2008 – The effect of the astaxanthin in chemically induced mammary carcinogenesis in immature Whistar female rats, 26th Annual meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Dubrovnik – Croatia, pg. 46.
Gal A., C. Cătoi, I. Rus, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, I. Lakatos, A.I. Baba, 2008 – The study of vascularisation in bitch mammary tumors, Buletin USAMV-CN, 65 (1)/2008, ISSN 1843-5270: 388 - 394.
Gal A., C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, I. Rus, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfă, 2008 – Anatomopathological aspects in circovirosis in pigs, Scientifical papers vol. XLI – Timișoara, 331 – 339.
GAL A., C. CĂTOI, I. Iulia ROBU, BABA A.I., MICLAUS V., RUS V., TAULESCU M., BOLFĂ P., 2009 – Correlation between intratumor microvessel density and Ki-67 malignancy marker in bitch mammary cancer, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 55 - 62.
GAL A., C. CĂTOI, I., A.I. BABA, V. MICLAUS, Daniela CERBU, I. LAKATOS, 2009 – Relationship between PCNA proliferating marker and Angiogenesis in bitch mammary cancer, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 490.
GAL A.F, V. MICLAUS, OANA L., RUS V., OBER C., PESTEAN C., 2009 – Histological features of poorly differentiated eyelid squamous carcinoma in cow, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, vol. IV-issue1, ISSN 1583-6258: 139-141.
GAL A.F, V. MICLAUS, OANA L., Catoi C., RUS V., OBER C., PESTEAN C., 2009 – Eyelid squamous carcinoma associated with diffuse keratin granuloma, The simposium ”Progrese si Perspective in Medicina Veterinară”, Iasi-Romania, vol. 52 (11) – part 1, ISSN 1454-7406: 102-105.
Gal A.F. Catoi C. Baba A.I., Miclaus V. Bolfa P., Taulescu M., Tabaran F., Nagy A., Moussa R., Cosmina Cuc, 2010, Aspects regarding vasculogenic mimicry in canine mammary cancer, Lucrari Stiintifice, Vol. 53 (12), Medicina Veterinara, Partea I, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, pp 49-59.
Gal A., V. Miclaus, C. Catoi, V. Rus, L. Oana, A. Damian, 2010 - Affection of sanguine vessels and billiary ducts in chronic interstitial fibrous hepatitis caused bu migration of Ascaris suum larvae through piglets' liver, Annals of RSBC, vol XV issue 1, pg 118-123.
Gal A., C. Catoi, Al. Baba, V. Miclaus, M. Taulescu, C. Cuc, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, R. Moussa, 2010, Expression of 2-nd Receptor of Tumor Necrosis Factor Cytokine (TNFR-II) in Canine Mammary Neoplasms, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 67(1)/2010, ISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, pp. 64-71.
Gal A., C. Catoi, M. Mircean, A.l. Baba, 2010, Pseudomesotheliomatous epithelioid angiosarcoma in one dog: a pleural lesion that mime malignant pleural mesothelioma, Bulletin USAMV, Veterinary Medicine 67(1)/2010, ISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, pp. 367.
Adrian Florin GAL, Alecsandru BABA, Viorel MICLAUS, Cosmina BOUARI, Marian TAULESCU, Pompei BOLFĂ, Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CATOI, 2011. Comparative aspects regarding MNU-induced mammary carcinogenesis in immature Sprague-Dowley and Whistar rats, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 159-163.
Gal A.F., A.I. Baba, Cosmina Bouari, G. Borza, C. Cătoi, 2011. Chemoprevention Degree of Polyphenon E from Green Tea in Chemically Induced Mammary Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Female Rats, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 389-390.
Adrian Florin GAL, Gheta Alexandra, Liviu OANA, Ștefan Răzvan, Alecsandru BABA, Viorel MICLAUS, Marian TAULESCU, Pompei BOLFĂ, Cornel CATOI, 2011. Histological findings regarding the influence of glass oxide coated with silver in bone healing in Wistar rats, Institutul de Diagnostic și Sănătate Animală – cel de-al VI-lea Simpozion Aniversar, 11-12 octombrie, 74-75.
Gal A.F., Sanda A., Cosmina B., Marian T., Pompei B., Cornel C., 2011. Preneoplastic and neoplastic mammary and non-mammary lessions associated with inflammation in chemically induced carcinogenesis in Wistar rats, Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 80.
Alecsandru Ioan BABA, Cornel Cătoi, Adrian Gal, 2011. Oncogenesis through Stem Cells, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 56-61.
Raouad MOUSSA, Cornel CATOI, Bogdan SEVASTRE., Marian TAULESCU., Pompei BOLFĂ., Adrian GAL., Flaviu TABARAN., Cosmina CUC., Gabriel BORZA, 2011. Immunohistochemical expression of Melan-A in canine melanic tumors, Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 164.
Pompei BOLFĂ., Cornel CATOI, Adriana FILIP, Adrian GAL, Marian TAULESCU, Andras NAGY, Flaviu TABARAN, Gabriel BORZA, Raouad MOUSSA, Cosmina CUC, 2011. Protective mecanisms of a grape seed extract (Burgund mare variety) on chronic ultraviolet B radiation induced skin damage in SKH-1 hairless mice, Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 76.
Cosmina BOUARI, A.F. GAL, TAULESCU M., BOLFĂ P., Cătoi C., 2011. Granulomatous lessions experimentally induced by Prototheca in mice, Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 77.
Andras NAGY, Cosmina BOUARI, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Adrian Florin GAL, Marian TAULESCU, Pompei BOLFĂ, Gabriel BORZA, 2011. Hepatic cirrosis in twelve dogs after exposure to innapropriate comercial dog food, Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 134.
Marian TAULESCU, Cornel CĂTOI, Rareș BUIGĂ, Pompei BOLFĂ, Adrian GAL, Cosmina BOUARI, Raouad MOUSSA, 2011. Metastatic cholangiocarcinoma in a Llama (Llama Glama), Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 194.
Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Cornel CĂTOI, Adrian GAL, Marian TAULESCU, Pompei BOLFĂ, Andrei Daniel MIHALCA, 2011. Pathological characterisation of larva migrans caused by Alaria Alata infection at the european mink, Cutting Edge Pathology, 7th -10th September, 2011, 200.
Viorel MICLAUS, Cornel CATOI, Liviu OANA, Aurel DAMIAN, Flavia RUXANDA, Vasile RUS, Adrian Florin GAL, Ciprian OBER, 2011. Observations regarding the presence and distribution of Vater Pacini corpuscles from pancreas in cat, Lucrări Științifice vol 54, Medicină Veterinară, ISSN: 1454‐7406, 11-15.
Pompei BOLFĂ, Raluca VIDRIGHINESCU, Mihaela NICULAE, Marian TAULESCU, Adrian Florin GAL., Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CATOI, 2011. Liver, pulmonary, renal and splenic damages associated with asymptomatic Equine Infectious Anemia Virus, Institutul de Diagnostic și Sănătate Animală – cel de-al VI-lea Simpozion Aniversar, 11-12 octombrie, 32-33.
Raouad MOUSSA, Bogdan SEVASTRE., Marian TAULESCU., Pompei BOLFĂ., Adrian GAL., Flaviu TABARAN., Andras NAGY, Cosmina CUC.,Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CATOI, 2011. Immunohistochemical Expression of Melan-A in Canine Melanic Tumors, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 260-267.
Raouad MOUSSA, Bogdan SEVASTRE, Marian TAULESCU, Pompei BOLFĂ., Adrian GAL, Flaviu TABARAN, Andras NAGY, Cosmina CUC, Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CATOI, /2011. Histological and Macroscopical Study of Horse Melanoma, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 252-259.
Liviu OANA, Ciprian OBER, Cosmin PESTEAN, Viorel MICLAUS, Adrian GAL, Adrian OROS, Daniela OROS, Lucia BEL, Cristian CRECAN, 2011. The Effect of Silver Ions Improved Oxydic Glass upon Bone Healing in Rats, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 397.
Andras-Laszlo NAGY, Marian TAULESCU, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Adrian GAL, Pompei BOLFA, Cosmina CUC, Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CĂTOI, 2011. Immunohistochemical Markers for Hepatic Myofibroblast Identification in Dogs with Chronic Liver Disease, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 396.
Cosmina BOUARI (CUC), Cornel CĂTOI, Nicodim FIŢ, Sorin RĂPUNTEAN, Pompei BOLFĂ, Marian TAULESCU, Adrian GAL, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Andras NAGY, Gabriel BORZA, Raouad MOUSSA, George NADĂŞ, 2011. In vitro Susceptibility of Prototheca Species to Antifungal Agents, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 92-96.
Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CĂTOI, Adrian GAL, Pompei BOLFĂ, Marian TAULESCU, Andras NAGY, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Cosmina CUC, Raouad MOUSSA, 2011. Quantification of iNOS Expression in Adipose Tissue From Human Obese Patients, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 87-91.
Pompei BOLFĂ, Cosmin Mureşan, Adrian GAL, Marian TAULESCU, Cosmina CUC, Gabriel BORZA, Andras NAGY, Flaviu, TĂBĂRAN, George NADAS, Cornel CĂTOI, 2011. Masticatory Myositis of a Dog – Case Study, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 83-86.
Flaviu TABARAN, Cornel CĂTOI, Adrian GAL, Pompei BOLFĂ, Marian TAULESCU, Andras NAGY, Cosmina CUC, Gabriel BORZA, Raouad MOUSSA, 2011. Histopathological Changes of The Urinary Bladder In the Natural Occurred Infection with Trichosomoides Crassicauda In Albino Rats, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 401.
Marian TAULESCU, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Adrian GAL, Pompei BOLFA, Cosmina CUC, Andras Nagy, Gabriel BORZA, Cornel CATOI, 2011. Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) in a European Bison (Bison Bonasus) - Anatomopathological Findings and Diagnosis. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1), 402.
Filip Adriana, Clichici Simona, Daicoviciu Doina, Bolfa Pompei, Gal Adrian, Catoi Cornel, Baldea Ioana, Bolojan Laura, Olteanu Diana, Postescu Ioan Dan, Muresan Adriana, 2011, Efectul protectiv al polifenolilor din simburi de struguri asupra pielii expuse la multiple doze de UVB la soareci SKH-1, A XXV-a Conferinţă Naţională a Societăţii Române de Fiziologie, 26-28 Mai 2011, 15-16, Tg Mures.
A Filip, S Clichici1, D Daicoviciu, P Bolfa, A Gal, C Catoi, I Baldea, L Bolojan, D Olteanu, A Muresan, ID Postescu The photoprotective effects of grape seeds polyphenols o. n skin exposed to multiple doses UVB in SKH-1 hairless mice, EADV Lisabona 2011, 20-24 October; 20th Congress European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology-EADV
MURESAN C., BOLFA P., CATOI C., GAL A.F., TAULESCU M., TABARAN F., NAGY A., 2009 – Clinical and pathological aspects in two cases of canine mastocytoma, Annual Scientific Session - Actualities in Animals Breeding and Pathology, Timisoara-Romania, ISSN 1221-5295: 240-244.
BOLFA P., TAULESCU M., GAL A., NICULAE M., SCURTU I., MURESAN C., 2009 – Evaluation of total antioxidant status in horses infected with equine infectious anemia virus, Romanian Journal of Biochemistry, vol 46 Suppl P 1-148 (2009), ISSN 1582-3318,, 38.
RUS V., MICLAUS V., CADAR D., NADAS G., GAL A., 2009 – Effect of some stress factors on thymus of youth cattle, The simposium ”Progrese si Perspective in Medicina Veterinară”, Iasi-Romania, vol. 52 (11) – part 2, ISSN 1454-7406: 1127-1130.
OGNEAN L., MEDA MOLDOVAN, CRISTINA CERNEA, OANA L., GAL A., OBER C., 2009 – Detection of blood incompatibilities in dogs with major risks in blood transfusion therapy, The simposium ”Progrese si Perspective in Medicina Veterinară”, Iasi-Romania, vol. 52 (11) – part 2, ISSN 1454-7406: 707-712.
TAULESCU M., CATOI C., GAL A., BOLFA P., MONICA BUDUGAN, TABARAN F., NAGY A., 2009 – Diagnosis of spontaneous gastric infection with Helicobacter species in dogs using PCR method, The simposium ”Progrese si Perspective in Medicina Veterinară”, Iasi-Romania, vol. 52 (11) – part 1, ISSN 1454-7406: 304-310.
MICLAUS V., M. MIRCEAN, C. CĂTOI, GAL A., SCURTU I., RUS V., 2009 – Muscle lesions dynamic and severity in acute rhabdomyolysis in horses, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 69-74.
MICLAUS V., CĂTOI C., GAL A.F., SZAKACS A., RUS V., MACRI A., 2009 – Vascular changes induced by migration of Ascaris suum larvae through pig liver, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 493.
MOUSSA R., SEVASTRE B., TAULESCU M., BOLFĂ P., GAL A., MARCUS I., RUS V.I., TABARAN F., NAGY A.L., CĂTOI C., 2009 – Expression of the vascular marker CD31 in dog cutaneous melanoma, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 75-81.
TAULESCU M., SEVASTRE B., MARCUS I., MOUSSA R., BOLFĂ P., GAL A., CUC COSMINA, CĂTOI C., 2009 – Evaluation of malignancy criterias in dogs melanocytic neoplasms, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 121-128.
NAGY A.L., CĂTOI C., CLICHICI SIMONA, GAL A.F., TABARAN F., TAULESCU M., BOLFĂ P., 2009 – Evaluation of histological changes in early liver fibrosis induced by chronic administration of carbon tetrachloride in Wistar rats, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 165-169.
MIRCEAN M., MICLAUS V., GIURGIU G., GAL A., SCURTU I., CĂTOI C., 2009 – Histochemical changes in skeletal muscle in equine acute Rhabdomyolysis, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (2)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 44-49.
CIUPE SIMONA MARIA, GROZA I., PALL EMOKE, GAL A., CENARIU M., BOGDAN L., MATEI SORANA, BORZAN M., ANDREI SANDA, 2009 – Researches regarding mice spermatogenesis after surgical cryptorchidy, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (2)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 148-153.
OANA L., OBER C., PESTEAN C., MICLAUS V., CATOI C., GAL A., 2009 – Muscular regeneration after prosthetic implants at abdominal wall region in rabbits, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (2)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 240-246.
RUS V.I., GAL A.F., BABA A.I., 2009 – The presence of macrophages infiltrate and correlation with C reactive protein on the adipose tissue in obesity, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 501.
MICLAUS V., M. MIRCEAN, C. CĂTOI, GAL A., SCURTU I., RUS V., 2009 – Muscle lesions dynamic and severity in acute rhabdomyolysis in horses, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 69-74.
MICLAUS V., CĂTOI C., GAL A.F., SZAKACS A., RUS V., MACRI A., 2009 – Vascular changes induced by migration of Ascaris suum larvae through pig liver, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 493.
MOUSSA R., SEVASTRE B., TAULESCU M., BOLFĂ P., GAL A., MARCUS I., RUS V.I., TABARAN F., NAGY A.L., CĂTOI C., 2009 – Expression of the vascular marker CD31 in dog cutaneous melanoma, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 75-81.
TAULESCU M., SEVASTRE B., MARCUS I., MOUSSA R., BOLFĂ P., GAL A., CUC COSMINA, CĂTOI C., 2009 – Evaluation of malignancy criterias in dogs melanocytic neoplasms, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 121-128.
NAGY A.L., CĂTOI C., CLICHICI SIMONA, GAL A.F., TABARAN F., TAULESCU M., BOLFĂ P., 2009 – Evaluation of histological changes in early liver fibrosis induced by chronic administration of carbon tetrachloride in Wistar rats, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 165-169.
MIRCEAN M., MICLAUS V., GIURGIU G., GAL A., SCURTU I., CĂTOI C., 2009 – Histochemical changes in skeletal muscle in equine acute Rhabdomyolysis, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (2)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 44-49.
CIUPE SIMONA MARIA, GROZA I., PALL EMOKE, GAL A., CENARIU M., BOGDAN L., MATEI SORANA, BORZAN M., ANDREI SANDA, 2009 – Researches regarding mice spermatogenesis after surgical cryptorchidy, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (2)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 148-153.
OANA L., OBER C., PESTEAN C., MICLAUS V., CATOI C., GAL A., 2009 – Muscular regeneration after prosthetic implants at abdominal wall region in rabbits, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (2)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 240-246.
RUS V.I., GAL A.F., BABA A.I., 2009 – The presence of macrophages infiltrate and correlation with C reactive protein on the adipose tissue in obesity, Buletin USAMV-CN, 66 (1)/2009, ISSN 1843-5270: 501.
TAULESCU M., C. CATOI, A. GAL, P. BOLFA, V.I. RUS, MONICA BUDUGAN, F. TABARAN, A. NAGY, 2009 - Diagnosis of spontaneous gastric infection with helicobacter species in dogs using pcr method. Lucrari stiintifice USAMV Iasi, seria Medicina Veterinara, nr. 52 (11): 304-310.
Baba, A. I., C. Cătoi, A. Gal, 2001 - Tumor angiogenesis, Romanian Journal of comparative Oncology, 5: 326-333.
Baba, A. I., C. Cătoi, A. Gal, I. Lekkas, Florina Boloş, 2002 - The study of mammary gland tumors in dogs, Bul. USAMV-CN, 57-58, 89-96, ISSN 1454-2382.
Baba, A.I., C. Cătoi, A. Gal, Sorina Iacob, Florina Boloş, Dombay E., 2003 - Prevalencia de tumores mamarios de perra examinados en Cluj-Napoca, Libro de Actas, XV Reunión, Sociedad Española de Anatomia Patológica Veterinaria, Córdoba, 4-6 Junio, p. 123.
Cătoi, C., angela chiorean, e. dombay, A. I. Baba, A. Gal,Sorina Iacob, 2004 - The endothelial cells morphology in experimentally stenosis of carotid artery in dog, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 61/2004 (1-5), 45-50, ISSN 1454-2382.
Cătoi, C., A. I. Baba, Sorina Iacob, A. Gal, 2002 - Morfologia endoteliului trunchiurilor arteriale în contextul canalului arterial persistent la câine, Bul. Soc. Naţ. De Biol. Cel., 30, 74, ISBN 973-85316-8-3.
Cătoi, C., A.I. Baba, E. Dombay, A. Gal, Sorina Iacob, K. Ferenczi, 2003 - Experimental infection with Helicobacter pylori in dogs, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 60/2003 (1-5), 52-57, ISSN 1454-2382.
Boloş, Florina, A.I. Baba, C. Cătoi, A. Gal, Sorina Iacob, 2003, Tumor incidence in dogs - a comparative study within a period of 40 years, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 60/2003 (1-5), 48-51, ISSN 1454-2382.
DOMBAY E., C. CĂTOI, A.I BABA, SORINA IACOB, A. GAL, 2004, Pathological changes in experimental diabetes melitus in dogs, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 61/2004 (1-5), 66-72, ISSN 1454-2382.
Iacob, Sorina, C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, Florina Boloş, A. Gal, E. Dombay, 2004 - Malignancy markers in canine histiocytoma, 29-th World Small Animal Veterinary Congress-WSAVA 2004, 6-9 oct., Rhodes, Grecia, 113.
IACOB SORINA, C. CĂTOI, A.I. BABA, E. DOMBAY, A. GAL, FLORINA BOLOŞ, 2004 - The incidence and morphology of mastocytoma in dogs: retrospective study within a 10 years period, Buletinul USAMV-CN, 61/2004 (1-5), 84-88, ISSN 1454-2382.
Cătoi, C., A. I. Baba, Sorina Iacob, A. Gal, 2002 - Morfologia endoteliului trunchiurilor arteriale în contextul canalului arterial persistent la câine, Bul. Soc. Naţ. De Biol. Cel., 30, 74, ISBN 973-85316-8-3.
E. Dombay, Gal, A., C. Cătoi, A.I. Baba, Sorina Iacob, 2005 - Multiple congenital heart malformations in Cane Corso puppies, 5-th InternationalConference of Ph-D Students, Miskolc, Hungary, University of Miskolc - Inovation and Technology Transfer Centre, 31-37.
CĂTOI C., DOMBAY E., MIHALCA A. D., KÖBÖLKUTI L., CZIRJÁK G., GAL A., 2006 - Histological aspects of Rhabdias fuscovenosa infection in a captive grass snake. 14. Helmintologické dny, 8-12 mai 2006, Redkovec, Csehia.
DOMBAY E., CĂTOI C., MIHALCA A.D., GAL A., BABA A.I., 2006 - An outbreak of severe intestinal cestodosis in chinchillas14. Helmintologické dny, 8-12 mai 2006, Redkovec, Csehia.
CĂTOI C., GAL A., DOMBAY E., IACOB SORINA, RUS V.I., 2006 - Histological aspect of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus infection in domestic cat. 14. Helmintologické dny, 8-12 mai 2006, Redkovec, Csehia.
DOMBAY E., I.V. RUS, C. CĂTOI, SORINA IACOB, A. GAL, A.I. BABA, 2005 - Experimental obesity and metabolic syndrome at whistar rats, Buletin USAMV-CN, 62/2005, ISSN 1454-2382.
CATOI C., GAL A., DOMBAY E., IACOB SORINA, RUS V.I., CATOI ADRIANA FLORINELA, 2007 - Experimental infection with Helicobacter pylori in rats, 25th Annual meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Munchen – Germania, pag. 77.
CATOI C., GAL A., DOMBAY E., IACOB SORINA, RUS V.I., CATOI ADRIANA FLORINELA, 2007 - Experimental and spontaneous infection with Helicobacter pylori in dogs, 25th Annual meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Munchen – Germania, pag. 76.
RUS V.I., A.I. BABA, C. CATOI, A. GAL, E. DOMBAY, 2007 – Early changes in obesity, correlated with metabolic syndrome, in Wistar rats born from different nutrited parents, Bulletin USAMV-CN, vol. 64 (1-2): 287, print ISSN 1843-5270, electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
CATOI C., MIHAELA ZOTESCU, A.I. BABA, A. GAL, I.V. RUS, 2007 – Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-Like Syndrome in a German Shepherd dog, Bulletin USAMV-CN, vol. 64 (1-2): 83, print ISSN 1843-5270, electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
FARCAU A., D. FARCAU, A.I. BABA, C. CATOI, A. GAL, V.I. RUS, 2007 – Melanotic tumors in horses, Bulletin USAMV-CN, vol. 64 (1-2): 142, print ISSN 1843-5270, electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
BOLFĂ P., MARINA SPINU, C. CATOI, M. TAULESCU, A. GAL, V.I. RUS, 2008 - Cell mediated immune changes in equine infectious anemia, Buletin USAMV-CN, 65 (1), ISSN 1843-5270: 354 - 357.
TAULESCU M., C. CATOI, A. GAL, BOLFĂ P., V.I. RUS, 2008 – Morphological aspects in gastritis induced by Helicobacter pylori in dogs, Buletin USAMV-CN, 65 (1), ISSN 1843-5270: 451 - 456.
RUS V.I., A.I. BABA, C. CATOI, A. GAL, BOLFĂ P., M. TAULESCU, T. MOLDOVAN, 2008 – Aspects of experimental obesity in rats, Buletin USAMV-CN, 65 (1), ISSN 1843-5270: 80 - 85.
LAKATOS I., A.I. BABA, C CĂTOI, GAL A.F., RUS I.V., KATONA KINGA, 2008 – Spontaneous skin tumors in dogs and cats, squamous carcinoma, Buletin USAMV-CN, 65 (1), ISSN 1843-5270: 51 – 54.
I. Rus, Dombay e., Cătoi C., Gal A., Baba A.I., 2008 – Impaired glucose tolerance and adipose tissue inflammation in nutritional induced obesity in rat, Scientifical papers vol. XLI, 248 – 254.
Cătoi C., A.I. Baba, A. Gal, M. Taulescu, I. Rus, P. Bolfă, 2008 – The diagnosis of scrapie in a flock of sheep, Scientifical papers vol. XLI, 271 – 277.
Bolfa P., Marina Spanu, C. Catoi, M. Taulescu, A.Gal, V.I.Rus, 2008 – The relation between Coggins test and ELISA in the diagnosis of Equine Infectious Anemia. Bulletin of USAMV, Cluj-Napoca vol.65(2): 304-309.
Moussa Raouad, C. Catoi, B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa, A. Gal, F.A. Tabaran, A.L. Nagy, Cosminan Cuc, 2010, Expression of vimentine marker in dog melanic cutaneous tumors, 10-11 iunie 2010, Vol. 53 (12), Medicina Veterinara, Partea I, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania, pp. 115-120.
Nagy A.L., C. Catoi, A. Gal, P. Bolfa, F. Tabaran, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010, Spontaneous Cases of Chronic Hepatopathies in Dogs, 10-11 iunie 2010, Vol. 53 (12), Medicina Veterinara, Partea III, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania, pag. 438-441.
P. Bolfa, C. Catoi, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, Cosmina Cuc, R. Moussa, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, G. Borza, C. Muresan, Marina Spinu, 2010, Correlation between morphopathological exam and evolutive stage in natural infection with equine infectious anemia virus, 10-11 iunie 2010, Vol. 53 (12), Medicina Veterinara, Partea III, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania, pp. 547-552.
Bouari (Cuc) Cosmina, Gh. Rapuntean, C. Catoi, N. Fit, G. Nadas, P. Bolfa, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, R. Moussa, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, 2010, In vitro activity of some natural essential oils against the yast like alka Prototheca , 10-11 iunie 2010, Vol. 53 (12), Medicina Veterinara, Partea IV, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania,, pp. 997-1002.
Taulescu M., C. Catoi, G. Borza, P. Bolfa, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, Cosmina Cuc, R. Moussa, A. Barbu, 2010, Argulus Spp. (Fish Louse) infection in a common carp (Cyprinus Carpio) from a fish farm in Cluj County, Medicina Veterinara, 10-11 iunie 2010, Vol. 53 (12), Partea IV, Medicina Veterinara, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi,Romania, pp.1196-1199.
Tăbăran A.F., C. Cătoi, A. Gal, P. Bolfă, M. Taulescu, A.L. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010, Anatomopathological and epidemiological study of visceral and nonvisceral hemangiosarcoma in dogs, Lucrari Stiintifice, 10-11 iunie 2010, Vol. 53 (12), Medicina Veterinara, Partea IV, Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania, pp. 1190-1195.
Taulescu Marian, Cornel Catoi, Pompei Bolfa, Ciobanu Lidia, Gal Adrian, Tabaran Flaviu, Gastric Polyps And Spontanoeous Helicobacter Spp. Infection In Dogs, 28th ESVP/ECVP Meeting, 8th – 11th September, pp. 85.
Raouad Moussa, C. Catoi, B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa, A.Gal, F.A. Tabaran, A.L. Nagy, Cosmina Cuc, L. Nasr, 2010, Study of Expression of S100 Marker by Immunohistochemestry in Canine Melanic Tumors and it`s Comparation With Macroscopic and Microscopic Aspects, 30 september-2 october 2010, Vol 67 (1), Bulletin of University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca - Romania, 141-147.
Pompei Bolfă, Gheorghe Răpuntean., Romulus Biţă, George Nades, Nicodim Fiţ, Adrian Gal, Marian Taulescu, Cosmina Cuc, Andras Nagy, Flaviu Tăbăran, Cornel Cătoi, 2010, Pathological Features of Contagious Pustular Dermatitis (Orf) in Romanian Lambs, 30 september-2 october 2010, Bulletin USAMV, Cluj-Napoca- Romania, Veterinary Medicine 67(1), pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, 358.
Pompei Bolfă, Marian Taulescu, Adrian Gal, Cosmina Cuc, Andras Nagy, Flaviu Tăbăran, Gabriel Borza, Raouad Pompei Bolfă, Marian Taulescu, Adrian Gal, Cosmina Cuc, Andras Nagy, Flaviu Tăbăran, Gabriel Borza, Raouad Moussa, Cosmin Mureşan, Alexandra Păvăloiu, Cornel Cătoi, 2010, Urinary Tract Lesions in Cats and Dogs: Epidemio-Pathological Study, 30 september-2 october 2010, Bulletin USAMV, Cluj-Napoca- Romania, Veterinary Medicine 67(1), pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, 357.
Andras Nagy, C. Catoi, Simona Clichici, A. F. Gal., F. Tabaran, M. Taulescu, P. Bolfa, Cosmina Cuc, 2010, Immunohistochemical identification of alpha-smooth muscle actin positive myofibroblasts in toxic hepatitis, 30 september-2 october 2010, Bulletin USAMV Cluj-Napoca- Romania, Veterinary Medicine 67(1), pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, 153-157.
Cosmina Cuc, C. Catoi, N. Fit, S. Rapuntean, G. Nadas, P. Bolfa, M. Taulescu, A. Gal, F. Tabaran, A. Nagy, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010, The Inhibitory Effect of Some Natural Essential Oils Upon Prototheca Algae in Vitro Growth, 30 september-2 october 2010, Bulletin USAMV, Cluj-Napoca- Romania, Veterinary Medicine 67(1), pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, 34-38.
Marian Taulescu, A. Gal, P. Bolfa, R. Moussa, A. Nagy, F. Tabaran, G. Borza, C. Cuc, L. Ciobanu, C. Catoi, 2010, Identification of Helicobacter pylori infection from gastric samples of dogs with gastritis lesion by immunohistochemical method, 30 september-2 october 2010, Bulletin USAMV, Cluj-Napoca- Romania, Veterinary Medicine 67(1), pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, 337-340.
Flaviu Tabaran, C. Catoi, A. Gal, P. Bolfa, M. Taulescu, A. Nagy, C. Cuc, G. Borza, R. Moussa, 2010, Immunohistochemical Characterization of Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs, 30 september-2 october 2010, Bulletin USAMV, Cluj-Napoca- Romania, Veterinary Medicine 67(1)/2010, ISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378, pp. 372.
P. Bolfă, Rozalia Pop, M. Taulescu, C. Cătoi, A. Gal, C. Mureşan, Mihaela Niculae, Marina Spînu, 2010, Evaluarea comparativă a unui test imunoenzimatic comercial şi a imunodifuziei în gel de agar pentru serodiagnosticul anemiei infecţioase ecvine, Rev. Rom. Med. Vet, vol. 20, nr.3, ISSN:1220-3173, p. 71-76.
V. Miclăuş1, N. Cornilă, C. Cătoi, A. F. Gal, 2010, Observations regarding odontogenesis in rat unele observatii asupra odontogenezei la sobolan, Contributions of Scientific Research to the Progress of Veterinary Medicine, FMV Bucureşti, România, 2010.
Ştefănuţ Anne Claudia, V. Miclăuş, Adriana Mureşan, Bianca Szabo, A. Gal, V. Moldovan, V. Rus, cyto-architectural anomalies of retinal development in oxygen–induced retinopathy in wistar rat pups, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol. XV, Issue 1: 166-173, ISSN 1583-6258, 2010.
Articole publicate în reviste ISI cu factor de impact
Adrian F. GAL, Alecsandru I. BABA, Viorel MICLAUS, Adriana TITILINCU, Cosmina CUC, Marian TAULESCU, Cornel CATOI, 2011, Aspects regarding intratumor angiogenesis and vasculogenic mimicry in canine mammary tumors, Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator, vol 19, nr ¾, 27-40.
Adrian Florin GAL, Sanda Andrei, Cosmina Bouari, Marian Taulescu, Pombei Bolfa, Cornel Catoi, 2011, Inhibition of chemically induced mammary and non-mammary carcinogenesis by astaxanthin in Wistar rats, ISSN 0032-0943, Planta Med, 77: 1457. Impact factor 2.369.
Achim M., Vlase L, Muntean D, Gal A, Cătoi C, Leucuta SE, 2009, Pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered memantine in pigs, BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY, Vol. 105, suppl 1. Pag. 109, Impact Factor: 2.073
Laurian Vlase, Marcela Achim, Dana Muntean, Adrian Gal, Cornel Cătoi, Constantin Bodolea, Sorin E. Leucuţa, 2011, Pharmacokinetics of intravenously and orally administered memantine in swine, FARMACIA, Vol. 59, 3, pg 338-346.
Taulescu M, Catoi C, Bolfa P, Ciobanu L, Gal A, Tabaran F., 2010, GASTRIC POLYPS AND SPONTANEOUS HELICOBACTER SPP. INFECTION IN DOGS, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Vol.143, no.4, p. 345. Impact factor 1.725.
Bolfa P.; Sarac F.; Filip A.; Gal A.; Taulescu M.; Cuc C.; Nagy A.; Tabaran F.; Borza G.; Catoi C., 2011, Preclinical evaluation of red grapes seeds extract from Vitis vinifera, Burgund Mare, Recas, Romania as skin photochemoprotective agent, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1369-1369. Impact factor: 2.369.
Bouari (Cuc) M. C.; Fit N.; Rapuntean S.; Nadas G.; Gal A.; Bolfa P.; Taulescu M.; Catoi C., 2011, In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of some plant essential oils against clinical isolates of Prototheca spp, ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 6146-6152. Impact factor: 0.219.
Cosmina B. M.; Nicodim F.; Adrian G.; Sorin R.; George N.; Pompei B.; Marian T.; Gabriel B.; Andras N.; Cornel C., 2011, In vitro activity of different plants essential oils against the yeast-like alga Prototheca, PLANTA MEDICA, Volume: 77, Issue: 12, Pages: 1456-1457. Impact factor: 2.369.
Filip A.; Clichici S.; Daicoviciu D.; Catoi C.; Bolfa P.; Postescu I. D.; Gal A.; Baldea I.; Gherman C.; Muresan A., 2011, CHEMOPREVENTIVE EFFECTS OF CALLUNA VULGARIS AND VITIS VINIFERA EXTRACTS ON UVB-INDUCED SKIN DAMAGE IN SKH-1 HAIRLESS MICE, Journal of physiology and pharmacology, Volume: 62, Issue: 3, Pages: 385-392. Impact factor: 2.130.